Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Its been a while....

Hi everyone! It has been a VERY long time since I have blogged. I have no excuse other then life got the better of me!

So a few things have changed....I finished my second degree which is a postgraduate degree in Psychology, I am also a qualified Life Coach and am pursuing avenues to be a speaker when it comes to personality types, Emotional Intelligence and sharing motivational talks with various audiences. I also offer life coaching to help people plan and achieve their goals so feel free to contact me if you would like to find out more.😊

I am now a MOMMY to a gorgeous little boy who will be turning 15 months old next week! So I've been a little busy. 😜

I have been meaning to come back to my blog and share with you the blessing and challenges of being a mommy, wife and business woman as well as still trying to find the time to exercise and make healthy eating choices....
I am back and I am going to be honest in my upcoming posts. I want all of us moms, wife, business women to have a platform where we can share our experiences and feel human...I often make unhealthy food choices, skip gym and just go for the easy way out. And it's okay to do that from time to time, I mean we are only human. As long as we can pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and get on track the next day, then we're good!

Here are some pics of my journey into motherhood. It is the most amazing blessed experience of my life. I am loving being a mommy and I can't wait to share my health, beauty and fitness tips with you again!

This photo shoot was done just a few days before our little angel was born.

Gabriel's birthday...The BEST day of my life!

So as you can see a lot has changed!
I will be posting again soon and a lot more frequently 😄. 
Lots of love 

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I'm so glad you're back to blogging. I'd love to read more about your healthy choices, how you stay motivated and so on!
    Love the pics! x


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