Friday, December 11, 2015

Yummy muffins for the whole family with hidden fruit and veg

I have a little boy who is 15months old and has decided that he no longer likes fruit or veg! A friend of mine shared this yummy muffin recipe with me and now I'm passing it onto you😊 I've modified it slightly though.
The beauty of this recipe is that it is egg free! My little one is allergic to egg which makes it even more difficult to come up with clever ways to hide his veggies... quiche is out of the question!

Here it is😘
Preheat oven to 180 C

Dry ingredients:
700grams of baking flour
4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
200g brown sugar
4 tsp cinnamon
1 1/4 tsp salt

Wet ingredients:
400g grated carrots (you can also use apples instead)
2x tins of crushed pineapples (with the sauce)
2 cups of coconut oil
1 1/4 tsp of vanilla essence

Grate the carrots

Mix all of the wet ingredients together...

Then in a separate bowl mix all of the dry ingredients together, make sure you have mixed them through well. 

Then slowly add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix together well.

Put the mixture into a greased cup cake tray and bake for approx 25min.

These muffins are so yummy and moist! You don't have to butter them or put any form of spreads on if you don't want to. They are perfect for kiddies and also a great snack with a cup of tea!



PS follow me on snap chat: Karolina Sky as well as on Instagram: Karolina Sky

Monday, December 7, 2015

Time to earn your christmas lunch!

Christmas lunch is around the corner....

I found a post I had written in 2011 and I think its fitting to remind not only you but MYSELF of it. So here it is.... Lets EARN our christmas calories!

Yup that's right....just like you work for your money you should also work for those yummy Christmas lunch calories. Cheat meals don't come cheap! LOL

We all know when it comes down to it and that Christmas pudding is staring you in the'll eventually give in! If you don't... WELL DONE!!!!!
If you know you will give in then the back up plan is to earn those calories BEFORE HAND!

Hit the gym twice a day, add in that extra workout daily from now until Christmas lunch, don't allow yourself any cheat meals until Christmas Lunch or what ever other occasion it may be.

The benefits:

  • You wont feel as guilty when you do go for that fattening meal and pudding. You earned it, you planned on eating it and you know you've burned those extra calories in advance!
  • You wont gain weight because you've "EARNED" those extra calories by working out extra hard a couple of days before the event.
  • You start to understand how easy it is to gain weight by pigging out and giving into your cravings, you also learn how much work you need to put in to keeping a lean and trim figure, so you'll think twice before other pigging out sessions.

Now go earn that Christmas Pudding! Add on at least an extra 500-700 calories burning workout to your usual daily workout routing! So an extra hour of cardio should do the trick! See ya at the gym. :-)

Happy guilt free Holidays!


Thursday, December 3, 2015

Pregnancy Fashion...the cheat guide!

When I fell pregnant I was convinced I would have to buy a whole new wardrobe of maternity ware! To my surprise I did not buy a single item!!! Now before you go hating on me, let me tell you what I did. :)

I was lucky enough to be pregnant at my heaviest during winter. Another bonus was that I had an internal little heater and therefore never felt cold. So if you're lucky to be pregnant in winter like I was then here's some tips on how to dress comfortably and look and feel good too! If you're not pregnant yet and are planning on it then maybe you can have a chat with the man upstairs to let your last few pregnancy months fall on the winter months. :)

My number one item was black tights!! I had black cotton tights for day wear and I had black leather tights for special occasions and nights out. They are not only super comfy but are also very flattering by elongating your legs and making those preggie hips look more narrow then what they really are.

Secondly I went and bought a few looser fitted jerseys and tops that were a bit longer and just covered my hips. I bought jerseys that were neutral colours such as a light grey, a camel colour and black.
I also wore my corduroy skirts as well as stretch wooden skirts that I could wear below my belly on my hips! 
This allowed me to mix and match my outfits for day and evening wear by simply dressing them up with a bold neck piece and high heels/boots.

(Please note these pics are not great as they were not professionally taken but I hope they can give you an idea of what you can wear during your pregnancy).

My BFF Bailey Schneider (aka Vanilla Blonde) and I. (In this pic I was wearing a black cotton top with leather sleeves from country road, a corduroy skirt from Urban,black stockings and black leather boots).

(On this pic I was wearing a cream over sized jersey from Country road, black cotton tights, leather boots from Nine West and necklace from Witchery).
With my husband at the Azzaro launch.
(In this pic I was wearing my black leather tights from Zara, a black stretch jersey top from YDE, black leather jacket which I bought online but can't remember which shop, gold clutch from Nine West, chunky gold necklace that I've had for years).
With my friend Jennifer Su at the Azzaro launch.
Accessories: Chunky gold neck piece, gold clutch bag, Nine west and of course (Christian Louboutin shoes <3). 
Here you can see my baby bump :) I was around 7 months pregnant.
(Here I was close to 9months pregnant,I'm wearing my corduroy skirt again, black flair jersey from country road, black leather jacket that I bought online and a long gold embellished necklace).
Day wear( dark brown tights from Zara,long sleeve black stretch top from Woolworths, dark grey sleeveless jersey with faux fur trim which was a gift and my black leather boots that I bought in Warsaw, Poland).

This pic was taken 1week before I had my son at ANN7 studios where I was a guest on the TV show "I am South African".(Here I wore my black tights again with the same long sleeve cotton black top I wore previously, I just dressed it up with a bright red jacket from Mango and silver necklace to take the attention off my big tummy and black stilettos form Aldo. The necklace was a gift ).

So as you can see the trick is to wear black/dark colours to hide your hips and tummy and wear a coloured jacket or jersey with a bold piece of jewellery to deter form the mid section of your body . I also think it is really beautiful when pregnant women display the tummy in tight colorful tops! I did that often, it definitely is something to be proud of! But for those cheat days, these are my tips.
1.  Wear black pants/tights, they make you appear longer and thinner.
2.  Wear a bright jacket to distract from your mid section and hips.
3.Wear loose fitted tops and jerseys over the black tights to make your legs and hips appear thinner and longer. Big jerseys and loose fitted tops are in winter fashion now so its a bonus!
4. Wear bold accessories such as a neck piece to distract the attention away from your tummy.
5.  If you can wear high heels when you're going out they will always make you appear taller and thinner.
6. Don't forget that great hair and make up will always make you look and feel gorgeous!The bonus of being pregnant is that you don't have ANY hair loss resulting in amazing shiny and thick flaunt it while you have it. :)
7. And last but not least embrace that gorgeous pregnancy glow, be kind to your amazing body as it prepares to bring a little human into the's such an honor to be able to be pregnant and once you've had your baby you will have a new found love and respect for your body.❤️

I hope this post has at least inspired some fashion ideas for pregnant as well as aspiring pregnant ladies.

Lots of love



Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Its been a while....

Hi everyone! It has been a VERY long time since I have blogged. I have no excuse other then life got the better of me!

So a few things have changed....I finished my second degree which is a postgraduate degree in Psychology, I am also a qualified Life Coach and am pursuing avenues to be a speaker when it comes to personality types, Emotional Intelligence and sharing motivational talks with various audiences. I also offer life coaching to help people plan and achieve their goals so feel free to contact me if you would like to find out more.😊

I am now a MOMMY to a gorgeous little boy who will be turning 15 months old next week! So I've been a little busy. 😜

I have been meaning to come back to my blog and share with you the blessing and challenges of being a mommy, wife and business woman as well as still trying to find the time to exercise and make healthy eating choices....
I am back and I am going to be honest in my upcoming posts. I want all of us moms, wife, business women to have a platform where we can share our experiences and feel human...I often make unhealthy food choices, skip gym and just go for the easy way out. And it's okay to do that from time to time, I mean we are only human. As long as we can pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and get on track the next day, then we're good!

Here are some pics of my journey into motherhood. It is the most amazing blessed experience of my life. I am loving being a mommy and I can't wait to share my health, beauty and fitness tips with you again!

This photo shoot was done just a few days before our little angel was born.

Gabriel's birthday...The BEST day of my life!

So as you can see a lot has changed!
I will be posting again soon and a lot more frequently 😄. 
Lots of love 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Mauritian Holiday wellness diary day 2

I woke up from such a rejuvenating and peaceful sleep. I don't know what it is about hotel rooms but I always sleep so incredibly well even though it is not my own bed!

My first morning of bliss started off with opening my hotel room curtains to the most amazing view and the sound of pure nature.....I wish I could have this view every morning.

I had a fresh cup of amazing coffee ( I have to try find this brand in SA) on this patio and then hit the beach for my morning walk!

I love to start my day with long walks to kick start my metabolism and nothing beats a long walk on a beautiful beach.

I then met up with Bailey for breakfast, with it being so hot and humid it makes it easy to select a healthy breakfast. I chose from a wide selection of fresh fruit and yoghurt.

The rest of the day consisted of the perfect soul food. A Spa treatment at the Long beach Sea Spa ;-)
Bailey and were both treated to a 45 minute back and neck massage.

We were, yet again, welcomed so warmly  by the Mauritians as we entered the Spa. I just love the sent of aromatherapy oils when I walk into a spa, it automatically takes you into relaxation mode. Bailey and I were taken into the treatment room where our gowns were ready for us. The gentle tranquil background music set the tone for what promised to be an amazing body treatment.

I have been to a few Spa's for various treatments and I often find that I can sense when a treatment is about to end....I so love the pampering and in my mind I'm screaming "please don't stop". But this time when the thought of the treatment coming to an end popped into mind I was pleasantly surprised that it was not ending at all!! To my pure joy the therapist was about to start on the left side of my body ;-)) Pure bliss. I actually fell asleep (which I rarely do) and had one of the best back massages ever that felt like it lasted for much longer then 45 minutes.

 After your treatment you can go relax on a day bed in what feels the middle of a tropical forest.

Bailey and I were offered a tea (which we both are obsessed with ) and we enjoyed it on the beautiful veranda.

 I love fresh look of my skin after pampering! Thank you the the lovely ladies at Sea Spa ;-).

Now what is a beach get away without a cocktail?? I don't drink a lot of alcohol, I just don't enjoy it much but I do still like to have a cocktail! I opted for a virgin cocktail and Bailey and I enjoyed our cocktail at the lounge bar area. We chatted and enjoyed the beautiful sea view ;-)

For reservations or further information please call World Leisure Holidays on 0860 954 954 or email or log onto their website 

Please note all the photography is are taken by either Bailey Schneider or myself and is copyrighted. If you would like to use any photographs please contact me first. Thank you.



My Mauritian Holiday Wellness Diary part 1

It is a known fact that everyone needs to recharge their "batteries" at some point, and what better way to do that then to go to the gorgeous Island Mauritius!!

I have been saying for months now that all I want is to do is go to a beautiful island for a beach holiday...The heavens heard my plea and low and behold I ended up flying to paradise...MAURITIUS! AND With my BBF Bailey Schneider!!

I love to keep healthy and fit, but it's all about balance and there is no better way to recharge then to go on a girlie holiday with your BFF ;-) I left my hubby at home to "man the fortress" while I go nourish my soul.

Bailey and I flew via Air Mauritius.

We has such a great flight that I caught my BFF having a little snooze! Haha BUSTED!

Many people have asked my how I can still eat healthy and stay in shape especially when going on a holiday, well in this travel diary I will show you just how I do it ;-)
When you book your flight tickets theres usually an option of what type of food you would like for example vegetarians can indicate they want a vegetarian meal. While I do mostly eat fish and chicken I am not a vegetarian so I always choose the low calorie meal option, this way I don't end up cheating because the option was not present to begin with!

I am a proud South African and live in sunny Johannesburg, so the flight to Mauritius was a mere 4 hours long!! It would be a crime to not got to Mauritius if you live as close to Mauritius as I do!

Once we had landed we were welcomed by the sweet touch of humidity and the inviting smile of a lovely lady from Summer Times who was holding up a sign with our names on it. She led us to our hotel transfer and we drove for an hour to the Long Beach Resort. I could not wait to arrive at Long Beach, the pictures that I had seen of it looked unreal and I could not wait to see if it truly existed for myself!

Our driver was such a lovely man who was warm and kind and VERY informed about Mauritius. He was the perfect travel guide, informing us about Mauritius as we drove to the hotel.
I definitely recommend Summer Times you can contact them on Tel: +(230) 4271111 or email:

When we arrived at Long Beach resort I literally had to lift my jaw off the ground because this place is BREATH TAKING!!!! The pictures I saw did not fact they only capture a hint of  Long Beach Resort. What adds to it's magnificent appeal are the warm and humble staff. The Mauritians OOZE humility, warmth and friendliness...and this far surpasses a mere job description. You can just tell it comes from the heart....something we could all learn from ;-)

At this stage Bailey and I were starving and if you know me you'll know that if I skip a meal and get hungry I pretty much switch off and start barking! LOL! My friends should have cubes of cheese in their hand bag just in case :-))

We went for a buffet dinner to one of the many lovely restaurants Long Beach Resorts offer.

I finally tried Dragon fruit! I had this for dessert, this fruit is amazing! The best way I can describe it is that it tastes like it has poppy seeds in it.

After dinner we were escorted to what we thought would be OUR room, sharing, and instead we had a wonderful surprise of having our very own rooms!! A whole 64 meter square room! Really?! Unreal! I literally want to take this room and move it across to South Africa as an apartment or guest house on our property!

Seriously the BEST coffee I have had in a while!

The patio on its own is huge, on the one side you have an outdoor couch area and on the other you have a little coffee table.

For the rest of that first evening Bailey and I sat in our pajamas drinking tea and chatting.
I'm very blessed to have her as my soul sister and to have experienced paradise together.

For reservations or further information please call World Leisure Holidays on 0860 954 954 or email or log onto their website 

Please note all the photography is are taken by either Bailey Schneider or myself and is copyrighted. If you would like to use any photographs please contact me first. Thank you.


PS come back for the next days diary post ;-)

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